8 Days of Changing Landscapes


This gallery contains 11 photos.

A roadtrip this long deserves more time and reflection, until then, here is an overview of the landscapes we passed through last week – from the west coast to the Rockies and back again. Continue reading

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Worth Waiting For


This gallery contains 6 photos.

Well, Spring is here and the Painted Plumes knitting pattern is ready! This Thursday it will go up on Ravelry, Etsy and Craftsy but until then, here are some teaser images of the long-awaited Painted Plumes Shawl. Continue reading

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Been so long

Yes, it has been a long, long time since I’ve posted here, posted anywhere really. Stretched too thin. Recovering from a couple of years of chaos and rebuilding. I am not who I thought, or where I expected to be, but it is a good place all the same. A place of comfort, growth, and, well, a space which is of my own making. Little did I know how nice that would be, some thing to look at and say “we made that, this is ours”.

As I become accustomed to this new life, this new version of myself, I’ll post more often (hopefully). In the meantime, allow me to reintroduce myself:

Hello, my name is Anastasia E White, but everyone calls me Stacey. I am an artist, writer, knit wear designer and, now, a vape shop owner.


Going to Big Places

If you have been keeping an eye on my Ravelry designer’s page you may have noticed that not much has changed in the last few months. Painted Plumes came out in March and has done very well but no new patterns have been added. After my father passed away in April knitting and designing took a back burner. I’m happy to report that there are new designs in the works!


The first of the Fall 2014 patterns is on schedule to come out towards the end of August and there are three more for September and October. One of them is even a free hat pattern! Who doesn’t love free patterns. From the start it has been my intention to offer a selection of free patterns and this will be the first one.

For a preview of unreleased patterns you can check out my projects in Ravelry. There is a tab for JahDK samples and prototypes. As you can see from the image below, about two-thirds of them have yet to be released.


My big news this week is that I’m heading out on a road trip! Tomorrow morning my partner and I start a little pilgrimage to scatter my father’s ashes in the Rockies and visit with family in BC’s interior. Along the way I’ll be checking out yarn stores, knitting and taking photos like crazy. Who knows, I may even pick up a skein of yarn or two. It has been many. many years since I camped or did any serious hiking but this will all be changing in the next few days! I hope my knees hold up. What ever shape I’m in there will be blog posts about the journey in the next few days. I must admit, I’m rather excited for sleeping in a tent again.